Visit Six National Parks and Two Lakes:
- Yellowstone National Park, The Grand Teton National Park,
- Bryce Canyon National Park, The Monument Valley,
- The Grand Canyon National Park,
- Valley of Fire, Salt Lake,
- Lake Powell
- Paradise for Photographers - Horseshoe Bend,Antelope Canyon
- Explore Las Vegas, the city of non-stop entertainment & excitementDelicacies: (10 Breakfasts + 10 Dinners)Accommodation: 11 nights hotel stay
- 黄石公园、
- 大提顿、
- 布莱斯峡谷、
- 纪念碑谷、
- 大峡谷、
- 火焰山谷、
- 大盐湖、
- 鲍威尔湖
- 摄影天堂:神奇马蹄湾、奇幻羚羊峡谷
- 探索世界知名度假地、赌城 – 拉斯维加斯膳食:( 含10早餐 +10晚餐)住宿:11晚酒店住宿
- Assemble at Changi International Airport to check in for the flight to South California’s “City of Angels” – Los Angeles.
- City tour of LA. Visit the famous Hollywood Boulevard (Avenue of Stars), Stars’ handprints and footprints before Chinese Theater, the Dolby Theater (formerly Kodak Theater) where many Oscar Award ceremonies have been held.
- Dinner
- Valley of Fire State Park gives you the chance to see panoramic vistas of bright red Aztec sandstone outcrop nestled in grey and tan limestone mountains. A public recreation and nature preservation area covering nearly 40,000 acres.
- St. George – A city located in the south western part of the state on the Arizona border, neat the tri-state junction of Utah, Arizona and Nevada.
- Breakfast / Lunch
- The Grand Salt Lake is the largest saltwater lake in the Western Hemisphere and the eighth-largest terminal lake in the world. The lake provides a habitat for millions of native birds.
- Salt Lake City is the capital and most populous city of the U.S. state of Utah. Visit the State Hall of Utah and the Temple Square.
- Overnight at Pocatello town
- Breakfast / Dinner
- Yellowstone National Park – World’s First National Park and home to one of the world’s largest calderas with over 10,000 thermal features and more than 300 geysers. It has one of the world’s largest petrified forests and over 290 waterfalls with 308 lower Falls of the Yellowstone River as its’ showpiece. Enjoy the panoramic view of The Old Faithful Geyser, Norris Geyser Basin and Upper Geyser Basin.
- Overnight around the west gate of the park.
- Breakfast / Dinner
- In the morning continue tour of Yellowstone National Park. Visit Norris Geyer Basin, Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Yellowstonr Lake, West Thumb Geyer Basin and Lewis Lake.
- The Grand Teton National Park - is an American national park in northwestern Wyoming, one of the world's largest intact mid-latitude temperate ecosystems. A scenery rich with extraordinary wildlife, pristine lakes, alpine terrain, the Teton Range stands as a monument to the people who fought to protect it.
- Visit the Jackson town of Elk Antlers Park.
- Ovetnight at Ogden.
- Breakfast / Dinner
- Bryce Canyon National Park – A sprawling reserve in southern Utah, and it is well-known for the crimson-colored hoodoos, which are spire-shaped rock formations. You should definitely not miss for it’s Sunrise Point or Sunset Point!
- Overnight around the gate of the park
- Breakfast / Dinner
- Lake Powell – Reservoir on the Colorado River and straddling the border between Utah and Arizona.
- Glen Dam – A concrete arch-gravity dam on the Colorado River in northern Arizona.
- Horseshoe Bend – horseshoe-shaped incised meander of the Colorado River located near the town of Page Arizona.
- Antelope Canyon – A slot canyon in the American Southwest. (Own expense and Depending on the weather conditions)
- Breakfast / Dinner
- The Monument Valley - A red-sand desert region on the Arizona-Utah border, It is frequently chosen as Western movies filming locations and famous for it’s steeply sloped Mittens buttes, which can be viewed from the road or from overlooks such as John Ford’s Point. If time and weather permits (OWN expense), you may take the local Indian’s pick-up truck to delve deeper in this majestic valley. Enjoy this beautiful land.
- Breakfast / Dinner
- The Grand Canyon National Park (South Rim) – One of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. Here, you can marvel with awe at the splendid work of nature-steep plunging gorges, colorful rock formations and the meandering Colorado River. If time permits, you may also join an optional tour to experience the Grand Canyon Skywalk, Helicopter Ride and White water rafting.
- Small Town of Route 66 – Also known as the Mother Road to experience the toughness of the Arizona desert. Now it is a true ghost town with derelict hotels, houses, and saloons lining the main drag
- Overnight at Las Vegas!
- Breakfast / Dinner
- Free at own leisure for the day. Or, you can enjoy an exciting time in the large factory outlets in Las Vegas; Or, you can try your luck in the big casinos….. In the evening, if you are not tired, you can join the night tour of this fabulous city……
- Coach back to Los Angeles, along the way to enjoy the desert scenery, and the desert town of Barstow takes a short break en route.
- Premium Outlet – One of the largest collections of luxury outlets in California, feel free to buy your favorite brands with unbelievable discounts.
- Breakfast / Dinner
- Free at own leisure for the day.
- Transfer to the airport for your flight back home.
- Breakfast
- We hope that you have had an enjoyable vacation with CTC Travel and we look forward to your next holiday with us.
- 齐集樟宜机场,乘豪华客机飞往美国加利福尼亚州南部的都市、“天使之城”-洛杉矶。
- 洛杉矶市区游: 著名的好莱坞星光大道是美国好莱坞大道与藤街伸展的人行道,上面有超过2690棵镶有好莱坞商会追敬名人姓名的星形奖章,以纪念他们对娱乐业的贡献;中国大戏院前的明星手印和脚印;奥斯卡颁奖地杜比大剧院。
- 晚餐
- 火焰山谷是内华达州第一个州立公园,园内到处都是红色砂岩,如同火焰燃烧一样。此地曾被当地的原住民印地安人视为圣地。奇特景致也让火焰谷州立公园成为多部好莱坞部科幻片取景地。
- 圣乔治 -位于犹他州,亚利桑那州和内华达州三州交界处的亚利桑那州边界西南部的城市。
- 早餐 / 午餐
- 大盐湖 - 西半球最大的咸水湖。所在盆地是世界第四大内流盆地。这里是动物们的天堂,数以百万计的本地鸟类栖息地。
- 盐湖城 - 犹他州的首府,亦是摩门教的圣城。参观摩门教圣殿广场和犹他州州政府。
- 往爱达荷州小镇坡卡特罗入住酒店。
- 早餐 / 晚餐
- 黄石公园 - 横跨怀俄明、蒙大拿及爱达荷州三个州。面积约9千平方公里。浪漫迷人的黄石湖,雄伟壮丽的黄石峡谷,汹涌奔腾的黄石瀑布,神秘静谧的森林,五彩缤纷的温泉,发出隆隆巨响的火山口,穿越美国大陆的分水岭,五颜六色的温泉及滚热溶岩,林间小湖,袅袅轻烟,构成一幅神话世界的古老火山高原美景。这里是美国最大野生动物保护区,清澈溪流里鳟鱼力争上游,如茵草原上野牛、驯鹿觅食,大角鹿和各种稀有水鸟以此为家,路上可能看到成群的野牛、矫健的灰狼,或者大熊带着小熊。在这您可欣赏到终年白雪皑皑的山峰、壮丽的高地湖泊、优美恬静的溪流、让大瀑布都显得渺小的雄伟峡谷。今天参观老忠实喷泉区,大凌镜地热区,喷泉锅地热区等。
- 入住西门附近酒店。
- 早餐 / 晚餐
- 早餐后继续游览黄石国家公园。景点包括:洛丽斯地热温泉区,黄石峡谷风景区,黄石湖、西拇指地热区、刘易斯湖。
- 大提顿国家公园 - 位于怀俄明州黄石国家公园的南边,“号称美国最秀丽的国家公园”,高耸入云的山巅覆盖着千年不化的冰河, 13000英尺的伟岸身躯从杰克森山谷拔地而起,公园总面积达1256平方公里。它的面积比许多美国国家公园要小,但是它的壮观和秀丽,却仿佛是把整个落基山脉的景致浓缩到了这一区域。雄伟的大堤顿山脉奠定了整个风景区的基调。最高峰4197米,山头终年积雪,气势非凡却透着一种温柔娴静之美。山影落在波平如镜的珍妮湖上,美得让人透不过气来。冰川偎依山谷,溪河奔腾,小瀑布从高处泻下,山湖映出湛蓝的天空,在下边的山谷里,蛇河蜿蜒流向杰克逊湖,在那儿与哥伦比亚河汇合。大堤顿国家公园是世界著名的野生生态系统,是全美最大的驯鹿群出没处,这里还有200多种鸟类。难怪‘派拉蒙’电影公司之片头山景便是以此峰为题。提顿山脉磅礴的气势,却也难敌‘杰克森湖’湖水的柔情,阳刚的线条在镜子般的湖面上被温柔地抚平,诗情画意、湖光山色使您恍若走进仙境一般。
- 参观杰克森维尔小城的鹿角公园。
- 往阿芙顿住宿。
- 早餐 / 晚餐
- 布莱斯峡谷国家公园 - 鬼斧神工般的令人震撼的大自然壮观风光。1800前印第安人发现此地他们形容这里的景色是被巨人般的红色岩石所包围的盆状峡谷,在历经丰沛的雨水及溪流冲刷,侵蚀而成最多变的峡谷地形,在不同阳光照射下,呈现不同令人赞叹的特殊景观。沿着景观公路再深入,更可以观赏到因各种形状所命名的平衡石、情人桥、夫妻岩以及高塔群等色彩绚丽、瑰丽无比。
- 早餐 / 晚餐
- 鲍威尔湖 – 是美国第二大人工湖(水库),位于犹他州和亚利桑那州交接处的科罗拉多河上。目前是美国西部著名的旅游胜地。
- 格伦大坝 – 美国第二大水坝,仅次于胡佛水坝,大坝高达216公尺,拱形的顶部长达470公尺。
- 马蹄湾 – 科罗拉多河切割峡谷自然形成的270度大转弯令人惊心动魄。红色的土和绿色的河相得益彰,令人赏心悦目。俯瞰科罗拉多河可以望到其中的像苍蝇般小的船。
- 羚羊峡谷(自费)- 如果天气情况许可,将自费参观这个北美最美丽的峡谷。
- 早餐 / 晚餐
- 纪念碑谷 - 美国十大最迷人的沙漠之一,由岩石高地经过上百万年的风噬和雨水冲刷而形成。广大的荒漠中,零星的山头兀立。这里是摄影发烧友绝对不可错过的景点,美国众多西部片电影都在此取景,让它几乎成了美国西部的地标性景点。沿途巨大的砂岩石壁,反射阳光显得火红,空气中依稀传来印第安原住民的笛鼓声,旷野中彷彿回到过去。(若果天气良好您可自费 ,换乘当地印第安人的皮卡车进入。乘坐「四驱皮卡车」,贴近纪念碑山谷的砂岩石壁,体验原住民驰骋荒野的豪情壮志。)
- 早餐 / 晚餐
- 大峡谷国家公园 – 是世界文化遗产、有世界七大奇景之称。深达1500米,由科罗拉多河耗费万年所切割出来的科罗拉多大峡谷景观闻名于世。大峡谷纵横千里深不可测。站在峡谷的边缘,凝视那无垠的宽广,会给人一种平静与空旷的感觉。尽管夏日热情、冬季冷淡,可是河流与峡谷耳鬓厮磨已经持续六百万年之久。
- 66号公路小镇 – 66号公路被称为美国的母亲之路。其中经典路段是很多美国西部片的取景地。从小镇上残留的废弃旅馆和轿车,可以体会当年的繁华。
- 今晚住宿在世界知名的度假地 – 拉斯维加斯
- 早餐 / 晚餐
- 今天拉斯维加斯自由活动。您可以睡到自然醒,休整一下连日来的辛劳。或者. 自费到各大赌场酒店欣赏各种各样的歌舞秀。3或者去市区边的大型名牌奥特莱斯血拼,130家欧美名牌折扣店一定会给您接连不断的惊喜;或者去各大赌场试试您的手气…… 晚上可以自费参加【拉斯维加斯市区两个半小时或者四个小时的夜游】马戏团、金殿、金银岛、米高梅、百乐宫、神剑城堡、威尼斯人、金字塔、威利等豪华赌场已经让人蠢蠢欲动;充满创意的看板与五光十色的霓虹灯交织而成的奇幻世界,又往往使人浮想联翩。巴黎巴黎、蓓拉琪奥、凯撒王宫、纽约纽约、蒙地卡罗等大赌场,均在夜游的巡礼之中。
- 乘车回返洛杉矶,沿途欣赏莫哈维沙漠风光,在沙漠小镇巴斯托小休。
- 直销中心巴斯通观光购物,这里可以买到各种相当便宜的世纪名牌。
- 早餐 / 晚餐
- 依时送往机场乘搭国际航班飞返新加坡。
- 早餐
- 乘机飞跃国际变更线。
- 感谢您与大通旅游共同度过难忘假期,期待再次与您畅游世界。
SQ 38
SQ 37
Excellent ( Based on 24 reviews )
Tincidunt iaculis pede mus lobortis hendrerit eveniet impedit aenean mauris qui, pharetra rem doloremque laboris euismod deserunt non, cupiditate, vestibulum.
3 Reviews
Tom Sawyer
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
ReplyJohn Doe
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
ReplyJaan Smith
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
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