♥ Visit 2 countries (Japan,korea)with Singapore Airlines (SQ)
♥ Yanagawa River Cruise
♥ Kuju Flower Park ( Nemophila , Poppies)
♥ Seasonal Fruit Plucking (strawberry)
♥ Gamcheon Cultural Village
♥ Haeundae Coastal Train
Accommodation: (Special Arrange 3N Onsen Hotel)
Kumamoto - 2Nights (onsen)
Nagasaki - 1Night
Saga - 1Night (onsen)
Fukuoka - 1night
Busan - 2Nights
Hotel Buffet Dinner
Japanese Set Lunch
Shabu - Shabu
Unagi set Lunch
Lobster Hotpot
Korea BBQ etc.
- Assemble at Singapore Changi Airport. Have a pleasant flight to the land of the Rising Sun – Japan.
Meals On Board
- Yanagawa River Cruise - As you ride a small boat known as “donko bune,” the boatmen skillfully steer the boat with their poles as they navigate down the river while entertaining you with charming tales and traditional songs. The waterways crisscross through the town, offering a scenic landscape unique to the city of water.
- Seasonal Fruit Picking – Strawberry
- Kumamoto Castle - Kumamoto Castle is one of the most impressive castles in Japan. With large castle grounds and a variety of buildings, Kumamoto Castle offers its visitors one of the most complete castle experiences in Japan.
- Sakura No Baba josaien- This area re-creates the bustling atmosphere of a seventeenth-century castle town, and is a great place to experience the food, culture, and history of Kumamoto. There are more than 20 restaurants (including branches of a number of famous old eateries) and food shops selling classic Kumamoto dishes. The three best-known local specialties are horsemeat sashimi (basashi), mustard-stuffed deep-fried lotus root (karashi renkon), and sweet-potato dumplings (ikinari dango).
Lunch / Dinner
- Takachiho Gorge - A natural landscape in Kyushu. The major attraction "Manai Falls" can also be found here, it is selected as one of the top 100 waterfalls in Japan.
- The Kuju Flower Park is a large, attractive park with about three million plants of more than 500 different varieties. The seasonal flowers take turns to bloom for most of the year, except winter.The spacious park covers 49 acres of land with wide paths leading through various flower fields, featuring species such as lavender, salvia, blue berries, pink moss, tulips, sunflowers and poppies. On clear days, visitors can enjoy lovely views of flowers with the Kuju Mountain Range in the backdrop
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
- Take a ferry from Kumamoto to Shimabara (Around 60mins)
- Known as the “City of Swimming Carp,” Shimabara is abundant in natural beauty and spring waters. Shimeiso Garden is traditional-style Japanese villa was built in the late 19th century over a natural spring where more than 3,000 tons of water pour out each day.Have a cup of green tea and watch from the veranda as the water bubbles up into water features like clear ornamental ponds filled with Nishiki koi carp.
- Local Train Experience ( Shimabara - Omisaki ),Omisaki Station has become quite popular on Instagram and other social networks. Do you know why? Because it is said to be the closest station to the sea in Japan! With an open-air platform set only a few steps away from the Ariake Sea, this small, charming station is a very photogenic spot and has been often used as a filming location for movies and commercials.The most famous feature of Omisaki Station are the yellow handkerchiefs hanging on lines over the platform, which create a beautiful contrast with the blue of the sky and the sea. In Japan, yellow handkerchiefs are said to symbolize happiness. Get your own yellow handkerchief at the capsule vending machine installed at the station, write a wish or a message on it and hang it up with the others. It will be a wonderful memory of your trip!
- Mt Inasayama Ropeway - Is a 333 meter high mountain that offers great views of the Nagasaki's city center. Selected as one of the Top 3 Night Views in the World in 2012.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
- Nagasaki Peace Park - Built to commemorate the atomic blast of Nagasaki. The 9.7meter-high Peace Statue sits in the park symbolizing the Nagasaki citizen's wish for peace.
- Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum - It was built to reflect the valuable moment of peace. The museum displayed information of World War II and warn people against war.
- Drive pass Niji No Matsubara
- Kagamiyama Observation Deck - From the observation deck, you can see the endless sea and overlook the entire Dangjin Castle. The scenery is infinitely beautiful.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
- Yobuko Morning Market is one of the three major markets in Japan. It is famous for its abundant squid. The morning market sells fresh seafood caught by local fishermen. Compared with the market in the city, the streets here have more of a rustic atmosphere. The merchants are all elderly people who stayed in their hometown. They work hard to have sincere exchanges with tourists. I have to say that the grandparents are really cute. you will discover many local delicacies, let’s roam this place full of humanity together!
- Lalaport Fukuoka –A hot spot in Fukuoka, you can have a wonderful shopping spree.
- Hakata JR Station Shopping Mall
- After breakfast, transfer to Hakata Port take a ferry depart to Korea Busan. (Camellia Line) around 6hrs
- Huinyeoul Village - is a mural village along the coast of Busan. The village is made up of more than a dozen small roads. The relatively closed village has almost completely preserved the appearance of Busan in the 1970s. In 2013, the movie "The Attorney" made Huinyeoul Village gradually well-known. After some renovations, Ersongdao was transformed into Huinyeoul Village. The vast sea view, white walls and unique murals make Baektan Village known as the "Santorini" of Busan. Sea view coffee shops and bookstores also attract many tourists. Below the village is the beautiful Jueying Coast Road, and there is a White Shoal Tunnel nearby that is suitable for taking pictures.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
- Gamcheon Culture Village – The "Machu Picchu of Busan", known for its twisting alleys and brightly painted houses.
- PIFF Plaza & Nampodong - Name from the Busan International Film Festival, one of the favorite haunts of Busan citizens.
- Jagalchi Fish Market – The best place to experience a local market atmosphere, also the Korea's largest seafood market。
- Haeundae Coastal Train – Haeundae Beach Train is a sightseeing train and world's first battery-charged eco-friendly train.
Breakfast / Lunch
- We hope that you have had an enjoyable vacation with CTC travel and we look forward to your next holiday with us.
Meals On Board
- 在樟宜国际机场集合飞往“日出之国”- 日本。祝你有个愉快的旅程。
- 柳川游船 - 乘坐著小船(30分钟左右),順沿着护城河而下,從河面上欣赏名胜景点,是最能体验柳川魅力的方式。一边聆听船夫歌唱民谣,一边欣赏自然风光,真是人生一大享受!
- 采摘季节性水果(草莓) – 即可体验亲自采摘还能品尝新鲜美味的草莓。
- 熊本城 - 熊本城與姬路城、名古屋城並稱為日本三大名城,又名銀杏城,至今已有400多年的歷史。
- 樱之马场城彩苑 - 这一地区重现了17世纪“城下町”(围绕城堡修建的城市)繁荣喧嚣的气氛,是体验熊本美食、文化和历史的好去处。20多家餐厅分布其间,不乏一些著名老字号的分店,同时还有不少食品店,均有熊本经典美食出售。当地特产三大招牌是“马肉刺身”(生马肉片)、“芥末莲藕”(藕孔中塞满黄芥末和味噌的油炸藕片)和“冷不丁团子”(红薯和豆沙馅团子)。
午餐 / 晚餐
- 高千穗峽 -如梦似幻的自然景观,是九州必访的绝景。真名井瀑布更是这里的一大象征,是日本百大名瀑之一。
- 久住花公园是一座规模宏大、极具吸引力的公园,拥有约 300 万株植物、500 多个不同品种。除冬季外,一年中大部分时间,季节性花卉都会轮流绽放。宽敞的公园占地 49 英亩,宽阔的小径通向各种花田,种植着薰衣草、鼠尾草、蓝莓、粉红苔藓、郁金香、向日葵和罂粟等物种。天气晴朗时,游客可以欣赏到以九重连峰为背景的美丽花海。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
- 早上从熊本坐船去到岛原(60分钟左右)
- 岛原素有“鲤鱼游城”之称,拥有丰富的自然美景和泉水。四名莊这座传统风格的日式别墅建于 19 世纪末,位于天然泉水之上,每天涌出的水量超过 3,000 吨。您可以在阳台上喝杯绿茶,欣赏泉水不断涌出的水景,如清澈的泉水观赏池里养满了锦鲤。
- 当地列车体验(岛原站~大三东站)(10-15分钟左右)
- 大三东站在 Instagram 和其他社交网络上非常受欢迎。你知道为什么吗?因为据说是日本距离大海最近的车站!这个迷人的小车站距离有明海仅几步之遥,设有一个露天平台,是一个非常适合拍照的地点,经常被用作电影和广告的拍摄地点。大三站最著名的特色是站台上方悬挂的黄色手帕,与蓝色的天空和大海形成美丽的对比。在日本,黄色手帕据说象征着幸福。在车站设有的胶囊自动售货机处购买您自己的黄色手帕,在上面写下愿望或留言,然后将其与其他人挂在一起。这将是您旅途中美好的回忆!
- 稻佐山缆车 - 稻佐山海拔333米, 是俯瞰整个长崎市的最佳地点。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
- 长崎和平公园 - 位于原子弹坠落地点北侧山丘上。9.7米高的和平祈念像,象征着长崎市民们对和平的渴望。
- 长崎原爆博物馆 - 为宣扬和平理念而设立的纪念馆,展示二战中原子弹爆炸的历史资料。让世人警惕战争的可怕。
- 开车经过虹之松原,在沙滩上生长着绵延5km松树的风景胜地。沙滩松林的风景自古就为日本人所喜爱。
- 镜山展望台-从观景台可以看到一望无际的大海,俯瞰整个唐津城。风景无限美丽。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
- 呼子朝市是日本三大朝市之一,这里因为盛产乌贼而闻名,一早的朝市贩卖着当地渔民们捕捉后的新鲜海产品。跟市区的市场相比,这里的街道更多了乡下淳朴气息,商家都是留在家乡的老人家,很努力地跟着观光客们做着真诚的交流,不得不說爷爷奶奶们真的很可爱,会让你发现许多当地的美食,让我们一起漫遊这块充满人情味的地方吧!
- 福冈购物中心-九州出名的购物中心,是九州第一间LaLaport购物中心,入驻约220间店铺,包括日本在地特色品牌、各种日式美食。
- 博多JR车站购物,做最后的血拼.
- 早餐过后,让我们出发去博多港乘坐山茶花线前往韩国釜山(约6小时左右)
- 釜山沿海而立的壁画村庄-白浅滩文化村。村子由十几条小路交错而成,相对封闭的村子几乎完整地保存了釜山70年代的模样。2013年,电影《辩护人》让白浅滩村逐渐为人所熟知。经过一番整修后,二松岛摇身一变变成了白浅滩文化村。辽阔的海景、白色的围墙和独特的壁画让白滩村被誉为釜山的“圣托里尼”。海景咖啡店、书店等也吸引了不少游客前来。村子下面是美丽的绝影海岸路,附近还有白浅滩隧道适合拍照留念。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
- 甘川文化村 ‒ 被誉为釜山的圣托里尼,被CNN 评定为亚洲最美丽村庄。
- PIFF 广场 & 南浦洞 ‒ 世界性的电影活动“釜 山电影节”举办地。也是美食购物一站式游览 胜地。
- 札嘎其鱼市场 ‒ 其位于海边所以该处售卖的鱼 类十分新鲜。是釜山十大风景名胜之一。 • PIFF 广场 & 南浦洞 ‒ 世界性的电影活动“釜 山电影节”举办地。也是美食购物一站式游览 胜地。
- 海云台胶囊列车‒ 海云台海岸列车是由海云台 尾浦途经青沙浦直达松亭的往返旅游列车,沿 途还可以欣赏到东釜山优美秀丽的海岸绝景。
早餐 / 午餐
- 送往机场,乘搭国际航班返回新加坡。感谢您选择大通旅游!
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Tom Sawyer
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
ReplyJohn Doe
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
ReplyJaan Smith
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
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