- 10 Breakfasts + 2 Lunches + 6 Dinners
- 10 nights hotel stay
- Assemble at Singapore Changi Airport, have a pleasant flight to New York.
- Philadelphia Independence Hall – The Declaration of Independence (1776) and the Constitution of the United States (1787) were both signed in this building in Philadelphia.
- The Liberty Bell – Is an iconic symbol of American independence.
- Photo stop at The Statue of George Washington
- Dinner
- White House (photo stop)– The official residence and workplace of the president of the United States.
- Capitol Hill (photo stop)– Home to the institutions of the US government, including the domed US Capitol, the Senate, House of Representatives and the neoclassical Supreme Court.
- The Lincoln Memorial – Is a American national memorial built to honor the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln.
- Washington Monument – Is an obelisk-shaped building, on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, commander-in-chief of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War and the first President of the United States.
- Korea War Veterans Memorial – Local in Washington D.C.’s West Potomac Park, it memorializes those who served in the Korean War.
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial – Honoring service members of the U.S. armed forces who served in the Vietnam War.
- Jefferson Memorial – Is a presidential memorial built. Between 1939 and 1943 in honor of Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the United States Declaration of Independence, a central intellectual force behind the American Revolution, founder of the Democratic-Republican Party, and the nation’s third president.
- National Air and Space Museum – Opened in 1976, it is the World’s leading special museum about flight.
- National Gallery of Art – Opened in 1937, for the breadth scope, and magnitude of its collections, the National Gallery is widely considered to be one of the greatest museums in the United States of America.
- Breakfast / Dinner
- Hershey’s Chocolate World – The sweetest place on earth! Experience chocolate tour and learn how chocolate is made. Includes activities like the Chocolate tour, Trolley Works, and the Create your own Candy Bar.
- Niagara Falls – One of the World’s greatest natural wonders. It is a group of three waterfalls at the southern end of Niagara Gorge, spanning the border between the province of Ontario in Canada and the state of New York in the US.
- Breakfast / Dinner
- Niagara Falls Cruises – Enjoy one of Niagara’s most popular and breathtaking attractions, a boat ride on the hornblower Niagara Cruise. Get your camera ready as you enjoy close up views on the boat ride. Sail near the base of Horseshoe Falls, American Falls and Bridal Falls.
- Skylon Tower’s Lunch – where you will take and elevator ride to the top and enjoy views of the Niagara Falls from 775 feet above the mighty falls. Lunch will be served at the revolving Dining room.
- After lunch, free at own leisure to explore the beautiful Niagara Falls.
- Breakfast / Lunch
- After breakfast free at leisure. (You may also join the optional tour for Helicopter ride to enjoy the Bird’s eye view of Niagara Falls)
- Toronto CN Tower (photo stop)– It is currently the tenth-tallest free-standing structure in the world and remains the tallest free-standing structure on land in the Western Hemisphere.
- Rogers Centre (photo stop)– A multi-purpose retractable roof stadium in Downtown Toronto.
- Universal City of Toronto – Is a globally top-ranked public research university in Toronto.
- City Hall (photo stop) – One of the city’s most distinctive landmarks.
- Chinatown – The commercial street with an Asian flavor is also the best place to taste oriental food.
- Breakfast / Dinner
- Thousand Islands National Park (optional tour ) – Situated between Canada and the United States along the St. Lawrence River, there are actually 1864 individual island that make up the archipelago.
- The capital of Canada – Ottawa city tour: view Parliament Hill & Peace Tower
- The Rideau Canal – 202 km long, It is the oldest continuously operated canal system in North America, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
- Breakfast
- Notre Dame Basilica – One of Montreal’s most iconic symbols and marvel at its famed magnificent interiors.
- Place Jacques-Cartier – Located in Old Montreal Quebec. It is an entrance to the Old Port of Montreal.
- St. Joseph’s Oratory of Mt Royal – It is a National Historic Site of Canada’s largest church, with one of the largest church domes in the world.
- Quebec City Tour : visit Historic District of Old Quebec – UNESCO World Heritage Site, Place Royale, Parliament Hill, Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac, Dufferin Terrace and La Fresque des Quebecois Wall Mural.
- Breakfast / Dinner
- Cross the border back to the United States, drive through Vermont and White Mountain National Forest. You will see spectacular scenery and natural geological features formed by rivers and erosive glacial forces.
- Boston – Is the capital and largest city of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the cultural and financial center of the New England region of the Northeastern United States.
- Enjoy the famous Boston lobster meal for dinner.
- Breakfast / Dinner
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology – One of the World’s famous universities founded in 1861.
- Harvard University – One of the World’s most prestigious universities. Founded in 1636 as Harvard College.
- Trinity Church – The building was designed by Henry Hobson Richardson, is currently under study for becoming a Boston Landmark
- The New England Holocaust Memorial – It was built to pay tribute to the six million killed and to honor our survivors
- Stop at Faneuil Hall Marketplace and the historic Quincy Market – One of America’s oldest gathering places.
- Breakfast
- Woodbury Premium Outlets - Located in Central Valley, New York. Now has 220 stores occupying more than 800,000 square feet and is one of the largest in the world.
- Breakfast
- Harbour Cruise tour: view the Statue of Liberty, Chrysler Building, Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Financial District etc.
- New York City tour: visit the Financial District, Wall Street, Charging Bull, New York Stock Exchange, Federal Hall, Trinity Church, Ground Zero, One World Trade Center and Rockefeller Center. Drive to downtown and view the United Nations Headquarters, Empire State Building, Fifth Avenue, Times Square and Trump Building.
- Transfer to the airport for the flight back to Singapore.
- Breakfast / Lunch
- Thank you for choosing CTC Travel and we look forward to see you again.
- 依时齐集新加坡樟宜机场,乘搭国际航空公司客机飞往美国纽约。
- 美国独立纪念馆 - 美国宾夕法尼亚州费城的一栋乔治风格的红砖建筑物(外观).建于1732-1753年之间. 1776年7月4日,来自英国殖民下的北美十三州的代表在这里签署了美国独立宣言。
- 自由之钟 – 又称独立钟,是美国独立的标志性象征,象征着自由和公正。
- 乔治华盛顿雕像前拍照留念。
- 晚餐
- 白宫(拍照)-是美国总统的官邸与主要办公的地方
- 国会山(拍照) - 是美国政府机构所在地,包括圆顶的美国国会大厦、参议院、众议院和新古典主义的高等法院。
- 林肯纪念馆 - 是为纪念美国第16任总统亚伯拉罕.林肯而设立的国家纪念建筑。
- 华盛顿纪念碑-为纪念第一任美国总统乔治华盛顿而建造。纪念碑也是世界上最高的方尖碑.
- 韩战老兵纪念碑-于1995年建于华盛顿特区,为纪年韩战阵亡的美军和联合国军士兵
- 越战老兵纪念碑-纪念在越南战争中服役的美国士兵的国家战争纪念碑。
- 杰斐逊纪念堂-为纪念美国开国元勋之一、美国独立宣言主要起草人兼主笔、大陆会议成员、独立后的维吉尼亚州的第二任州长、第一任国务卿、第二任副总统、第三任美国总统的托马斯.杰斐逊。
- 美国国家航空航天博物馆 – 于1976年开馆,是全世界首屈一指的有关飞行的专题博物馆.
- 国家美术馆 – 馆内主要收藏14-18世纪的意大利,荷兰,法兰德斯及英国绘画作品, 是全美对于文艺复兴及巴洛克绘画收藏最完美的博物馆.
- 早餐 / 晚餐
- 赫斯巧克力镇–世界上最甜蜜的地方。HERSHEY’S 是北美地区最大的巧克力类糖果制造商,有105年历史的老字号。逛逛巧克力工厂,亲手制作属于自己的巧克力造型。
- 尼亚加拉瀑布 - 世界最著名的七大自然景观之一, 由三座位于北美洲五大湖区尼加拉河上瀑布的总称。 整个瀑布跨越加拿大的安大略省和美国的纽约州。与伊瓜苏瀑布和维多利亚瀑布并称为世界三大跨国瀑布。
- 早餐 / 晚餐
- 尼亚加拉瀑布观光游船 – 传奇般的尼亚加拉大瀑布游轮之旅是必不可少的体验. 准备好您照相机,游轮穿梭在瀑布间, 近距离欣赏大峡谷,近距离观赏‘美国瀑布’,‘马蹄瀑布’和‘新娘面纱瀑布’的壮观,还可以感受到水势力一泻千里发出的雷鸣般水声的震撼。
- 云霄塔午餐 – 乘搭半透明玻璃的电梯登云霄塔,在塔顶的旋转餐厅用餐,边用餐边俯瞰尼亚加拉瀑布全景和瀑布城全貌.
- 下午您可以自己活动,继续去欣赏美丽的尼亚拉加瀑布.
(备注: 尼亚加拉游船的开航时间为每年的4月中至10月,如因天气等自然条件不允许而停航,将以瀑布环游取代)
- 早餐 / 午餐
- 上午自由活动。(您可以自费体验乘搭尼亚加拉瀑布直升机,从空中俯瞰壮观的尼亚加拉瀑布)
- 加拿大国家电视塔(拍照) - 是多伦多的地标,塔高553.33米,现为世界上第五高的自立式建筑物。
- 罗渣士中心(拍照) – 是多伦多一座多用途体育馆。一年一度的国际碗高校足球赛事在这里举办.
- 多伦多大学 – 是加拿大乃至全球顶尖的学府之一。
- 市政厅(拍照) – 由芬兰设计师Viljo Revell设计,东西两座大楼平面呈弧形,围住中间呈飞碟形状的议事厅,整体布局有如两只手守护着议事厅,而从高空俯瞰则有如一只睁开的眼睛。
- 多伦多唐人街 – 颇具亚洲气息的商业街,也是品尝东方美食的最佳去处。
- 早餐 / 晚餐
- 千岛湖国家公园 (自费项目) – 位于北美洲圣劳伦斯河与安大略湖的交汇处,拥有1865个小岛 。自费乘船游览。
- 加拿大首都渥太华市区游:国会大厦,和平塔。
- 里多运河 – 全长202千米,是北美至今在用的最古老的运河,2007年被列入世界遗产。
- 早餐
- 蒙特利尔圣母圣殿 – 教堂始建于1672年,为哥特复兴式建筑风格。
- 雅克.卡蒂亚广场 – 广场上有众多餐厅和咖啡厅等休闲设施。
- 皇家山圣约瑟教堂 – 是蒙特利尔最高建筑物在皇家山顶,号称是世界上第二大圆顶教堂。也是北美最大教堂之一。
- 魁北克市区游: 世界文化遗产的历史城区,参观北美地区唯一留存至今的古城墙,标志性建筑芳堤娜城堡,皇家广场和议会大厦及壁画墙.
- 早餐 / 晚餐
- 穿越白山国家森林 –大部分位于新罕布什尔州,一小部分位于相邻的缅因州。沿途湖光山色,绚丽森林,四季景色壮观宜人.
- 波士顿 – 美国马萨诸塞首府及最大城市,也是美国第24大城市。,是大波士顿的经济与文化中心.
- 晚餐品尝波士顿龙虾风味。
- 早餐 / 晚餐
- 麻省理工学院 – 世界著名学府之一,成立于1861年。
- 哈佛大学 – 美国第一学府,世上最享负盛名的学府之一,于1636年成立。
- 三一堂 – 创建于1733年,是理查森罗曼式风格的发源地和原形.
- 新英格兰大屠杀纪念碑 -为了纪念在第二次世界大战中被杀害的犹太人于1995年修建.整个建筑群由六个玻璃塔构成,分别代表了纳粹德国建立的迈丹尼克集中营,切姆诺集中营,索比堡集中营,特雷布林卡集中营,贝尔克集中营以及奥斯威辛集中营.六座玻璃塔上一共雕刻了六百万个数字,表达了对六百万大屠杀罹难者的怀念.
- 逛游法尼尔厅&昆西市场– 历史悠久的,非常受欢迎的聚会及购物场所。
- 早餐
- Woodbury Premium Outlets – 位于纽约中央山谷的奥特莱斯购物中心。是全美最大的拥有超过220家零售店的畅货中心。
- 早餐
- 自由女神像观光游船: 搭乘游船肆意欣赏自由女神像,布鲁克林大桥,曼哈顿等纽约热门景点。
- 纽约金融市区观光:华尔街,华尔街铜牛,纽约证券交易所,三一教堂,世贸中心遗址,洛克菲勒中心。车游联合国总部,帝国大厦,第五大道,时代广场和特朗普大厦等。
- 送往机场乘搭国际航班飞返新加坡。
- 早餐 / 午餐
- 感谢您与大通旅游共同度过难忘假期,期待再次与您畅游世界!
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Excellent ( Based on 24 reviews )
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3 Reviews
Tom Sawyer
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
ReplyJohn Doe
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
ReplyJaan Smith
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
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