- Sydney City Tours: Sydney Opera House, Harbour Bridge, Mrs Macquarie’s Chair, The Rocks, Darling Harbour, Chinatown, St. Mary’s Cathedral
- Sydney Fish Market
- Dinner Harbour Cruise
- Hunter Valley: Sydney Oyster Farm Tours
- Hunter Valley Resort + Hunter Wine Theatre
- Grape Stomping Hunter Valley
- Port Stephen: Oakvale Wildlife Park
- 4 Wheel Drive Tour + Sand Boarding
- Dolphin Discovery Cruise
- Iris Lodge Alpacas Experience
- 悉尼市区游: 悉尼歌剧院, 港湾大桥, 麦考利夫人座椅, 岩石区, 达令港湾, 唐人街, 圣玛丽教堂悉尼鱼市场,港湾游船+晚餐
- 猎人谷
- 悉尼生蚝养殖场
- 猎人谷度假村 + 葡萄酒剧院
- 葡萄跺脚亲体验
- 斯蒂文斯港
- 奥克维尔野生动物园
- 四轮驱动车沙漠游 + 沙漠滑沙乐
- 海豚探险游船
- 羊驼农庄体验
1. Minimum group size is required for a confirmed departure.
2. Tour is conducted is English/Chinese
3. Due to local or religious festivals/ unforeseen circumstances and weather conditions, the sequence of itinerary may need to be changed
or alternative sites substituted at a short notice period.
4. We reserve the right to change/ amend of certain activates/itinerary due to unforeseen circumstances with/without prior notice..
5. In the event of discrepancies between English and Chinese itinerary, please refer to the English Version.
Assemble at Changi International Airport. Have a pleasant flight to Sydney – Capital city of New South Wales, Australia.
- Meals On Board
- Sydney City Tours – Enjoy Sydney City Tours
- Sydney Opera House – The Opera House is Sydney’s best known landmark and it is widely regarded as one of the world’s most famous and distinctive buildings and a masterpiece of 20th century.
- Harbour Bridge – They Sydney Harbour Bridge is one of the world’s most recognisable landmarks. It also spans one of the globe’s finest natural harbours.
- Mrs Macquarie’s Chair – Formed of exposed sandstone rock that was hand-carved into a bench by convicts in 1810.
- The Rocks – The Rocks is a tourist precinct and historic area of Sydney’s city centre.
- Darling Harbour - Visit Sydney’s harbourside playground to eat, drink, shop & enjoy events & attractions.
- Chinatown – Sydney isn’t the only global city with a Chinatown, but this one is bigger, better and boasts more than most. Thanks to the Chinese immigrants.
- St. Mary’s Cathedral – View this longest church in Australia which is also a landmark in Sydney.
- Sydney Fish Market – Largest fish market of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere and the world’s second largest seafood market.
- Dinner Harbour Cruise – Sydney Harbour Cruise is a great way to see the city skyline, waterfront scenery and the iconic Sydney landmarks. Enjoy quality cruise with a dining experience tonight.
- Dinner
- Sydney Oyster Farm Tours – Experience guided tour with oyster farmer on a boat ride. Learn how to open oysters and at the end of this interesting educational tour, you will have a chance to taste some premium oysters.
- Hunter Valley Resort + Hunter Wine Theatre – You will experience up on the big screen to know about The Hunter’s wine heritage, Australia’s oldest wine area, How grapevines are maintained, the actual winemaking process, racking and barrel fermentation, bottling process and so forth.
- Grape Stomping – There is nothing like the feeling of grapes between bare toes as guests jump in the oak barrel to experience the age-old tradition of pressing by foot. Once in a lifetime experience!
- Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
- Oakvale Wildlife Park – The park is home to Australian native, domestic farm and exotic animals such as koalas, kangaroos, Tasmanian devils, goats, sheep, alligators, ring-tailed lemurs, plus more.
- 4 Wheel Drive Tour + Sand Boarding – Our 4WD buses will transport you up into the high dunes, where you will be met by our sand boarding instructors who will teach you how to safely sand board on the largest coastal sand dune system in the Southern hemisphere.
- Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
- Dolphin Discovery Cruise – On this cruise, maximize your chances of spotting the majestic sea creatures with expert guides that know all the best viewing sites. Along the way, relax on deck and soak up the scenery.
- Iris Lodge Alpacas Experience – You’ll visit Iris Lodge Farm which is a working grazing property on the Central Coast where you will have the opportunity to experience life on the farm and get to see the famous Alpacas and know the local animals.
- Breakfast / Lunch
Today will be a free & easy day. You may consider joining some recommended optional tours that are planned for you.
- Breakfast
Thank you for choosing CTC Travel and we look forward to seeing you again.
- Meals On Board / Breakfast
聚集新加坡樟宜机场乘搭豪华客机飞往悉尼 ‒ 澳洲新南威尔士州首府,开始您的旅程。
- 飞机餐
悉尼市区游 ‒ 尽情享受悉尼市区游
• 悉尼歌剧院 ‒ 歌剧院是悉尼最著名的地标和拥有许多场馆的表演艺术中心。它被广泛认为是世界上最著名和最具特色的建筑之一,也是20世纪的著名建筑物杰作。歌剧院由三组互锁的
• 港湾大桥 ‒ 悉尼港湾大桥是世界上最知名的地标之一。它不仅是地球上最大的钢拱桥,而且还跨越了全球最佳的天然海港之一。当地人所熟知的“衣架”设计连接着悉尼市中心的南北海岸。
• 麦考利夫人座椅 ‒ 由突出的砂岩制成,1810 年由罪犯手工雕刻成的长凳,专为麦考利州长的妻子伊丽莎白建造。麦考利夫人的座椅坐落于一个令人叹为观止的有利位置,从这里可以您
• 岩石区 ‒ 岩石区是悉尼市中心的郊区、旅游区和历史街区。
• 达令港湾 - 世界上没有像达令港湾这样的地方。在此可以参观悉尼的海港游乐场,吃喝玩乐,享受活动和景点。• 唐人街 ‒ 悉尼并不是一个全球唯一拥有唐人街的城市,但由于 1800 年代开始抵达的大量中
• 圣玛丽教堂 ‒ 观看这座澳洲最长的教堂,属于悉尼地标,建于1868 -1926 并列入国家遗产名录。
• 悉尼鱼市场 ‒ 这里是南半球最大的鱼市场,全世界第2大海鲜市场,仅次于日本。您将有机会在这里自费挑选并品尝新鲜海产。
• 港湾游船晚餐 ‒ 乘坐悉尼海港游船是观赏城市天际线、海滨风光和标志性悉尼地标的一种最佳方式。今晚就尽情享受优质的游轮和用餐体验吧。
- 晚餐
• 悉尼生蚝养殖场 ‒ 乘船体验与生蚝养殖者的导游之旅,学习如何亲手打开生蚝,在这个有趣的教育之旅结束前,您将有机会品尝一些上等生蚝。
• 葡萄跺脚亲体验 ‒ 赤脚踏入木桶,体验古老的脚压葡萄过程,绝对没有什么能比得上赤裸脚趾间踩踏葡萄的感觉了。这绝对是您此生难忘的经历。
- 早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
• 奥克维尔野生动物园 ‒ 此野生动物园是澳洲本土、国内农场和外来动物的家园,如树熊、袋鼠、塔斯马尼亚恶魔、山羊、绵羊、短吻鳄、环尾狐猴等的栖息地。
• 四轮驱动车沙漠游 + 沙漠滑沙 ‒ 我们的 4轮驱动巴士将带您进入高沙丘,在那里与我们的滑沙教练会面,他们将教导您如何在南半球最大的沿海沙丘安全地尽情滑沙。
- 早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
• 海豚探险游船 ‒ 斯蒂芬斯港是大概 160 多头宽吻海豚的家园,这也是这里成为澳大利亚海豚之都的原因!在这次船游中,专业导游将带领大家前往最佳的观赏点,大大提高观赏海豚的机
• 羊驼农庄体验 ‒ 参观羊驼农庄,这里是位于中央海岸的一个放牧农庄,您也可以体验及了解农场内的生活,并亲眼看到可爱的羊驼,同时也能了解这里其他的动物。
- 早餐 / 午餐
• 今天是自由日。您将可考虑参加为您安排的自费节目。
- 早餐
• 感谢您选择大通旅游,期待再次与您畅游世界!
- 飞机餐 / 早餐
Excellent ( Based on 24 reviews )
Tincidunt iaculis pede mus lobortis hendrerit eveniet impedit aenean mauris qui, pharetra rem doloremque laboris euismod deserunt non, cupiditate, vestibulum.
3 Reviews
Tom Sawyer
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
ReplyJohn Doe
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
ReplyJaan Smith
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
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