- Thimphu: Memorial Chorten, General Postal Office Bhutan, Buddha Point, Shakyamuni Buddha statue, The Motithang Mini Zoo, Tashichhoe Dzong, The National School of Traditional Arts,
- Punakha: Dochula pass, Khamsum Yuelliny Namgyal temple, The Punakha Dzong, TaDzong, The Druk Wangyal Khangzang Chortens, Chimi Lhakhang
- Paro: Rinpung Dzong, Taktsang Monastery, Kyichu Lhakhang, Drukgyel Dzong, Rinpung Dzong Bridge
- GANGTEY: Phobjikha Valley, which is the winter home of the endangered Black Necked Cranes;Gangtey Goemba
- Local Rice Wine,
- DIY Ema Datsi,
- Buffet Dinner with Bhutanese Cultural Show
- Religious Blessing Service
- 帕罗:虎穴寺,吉曲寺,帕罗宗-日蓬堡,杜克耶堡
- 廷布:国家纪念碑,国家邮政总局,佛祖望,塔金小动物园,扎西却宗,楚克旺耶纪念碑,送子神庙切米拉康
- 普纳卡:普纳卡宗
- 岗提:富毕卡谷地-黑颈鹤冬季栖息地,岗提寺
- 品尝特色米酒; DIY国菜辣椒奶酪、不丹式西餐、
- 品尝特色自助餐,观赏不丹传统歌舞表演
- 安排宗教祈福仪式(自行选择是否参与)
• Early morning flight into Paro (via Kolkada). Paro is at an altitude of 2300m above sea level. Meet your representative and then drive to Thimphu-the only capital in the world without any traffic lights, which is about one hour drive from Paro.
• Visit the Memorial Chorten. The Chorten is also a center of worship for the people living in Thimphu.
• General Postal Office Bhutan, an old Post Office Building where you can make your own stamp switch your own photos right on the spot!
- Dinner
- Buddha Point (Kuensel Phodrang), it is a gigantic Shakyamuni Buddha statue constructed in the mountains of Bhutan. The statue houses over one hundred thousand smaller Buddha statues. You can get a good overview of the Thimphu valley from the Buddha point, the largest statue of Buddha in the country also sits there.
- The Motithang Mini Zoo where you can see the National animal Takin research centre where these odd animals graze peacefully in a small protected park.
- Tashichhoe Dzong, the center of government and the monastic order.
- The National School of Traditional Arts (it will be close during Bhutan school holiday period), where young monks learn the art of Buddhist thangkha painting; the workshops form ask making and fine metal craft, weaving, ceramics and paper.
- Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
- Drive to Punakha is about 3 hours from Thimphu crossing the Dochula pass-3050m which offers a great view of Bhutan's high peaks on clear weather. Punakha is at around 1300meters of altitude is almost sub-tropical. The Druk Wangyal Khangzang Chortens, a unique cluster of 108 Namgyal Khangzang Chortens that spiral up to a main monument Chorten, was an inspiration of the royal patron.
- Take a walk to Chimi Lhakhang Temple of the Divine Madman who is popularly known as Drukpa Kuenly. He taught the people that religion is an inner feeling and it's not necessary that one should be an ordained monk. He is believed as a symbol of fertility and most childless couples go to his temple for blessing.
- The Punakha Dzong, a massive structure built at the junction of two rivers. It is arguably the most beautiful dzong in the country.
- Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
- Drive to Gantey Valley via Wangdue – situated in Phobjikha Valley, which is the winter home of the endangered Black Necked Cranes that migrate to this valley from Tibet in winter. Gangtey is situated in Phobjeykha Valley at 3,000m above sea-level is a wide almost flat beautiful alpine valley.
- The Gangtey Goemba or Monastery, one of the oldest and largest Nyingma Buddhist centre in Bhutan.
- Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
- Rinpung Dzong, built in1645 to defend the valley against Tibetan invaders. A fine example of Bhutanese historic architecture. The Dzong is now used as an administration center and school for monks. Take a slow walk down to Rinpung Dzong Bridge, one of the oldest bridges in Bhutan. Ta Dzong, which means “watchtower”, was built by Choeje Minjur Tenpa, the first governor of Trongsa, in the year1652. The tower stood guard over the Trongsa Dzong to protect the main stronghold of the town.
- We will take a drive to the ruins of the Drukgyel Dzong which was once a historic monument built as a symbol of victory for the Bhutanese against the northern invaders.
- Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
- Drive beyond Satsam Chorten to hike up to the Taktsang Monastery (Tiger’s Nest), one of today’s sacred pilgrimage site where Guru Padmasambhava (also known as Guru Rinpoche) landed on the back of a tigress in the 8th century. The hike up the monastery takes up to 3-4 hours. The monastery is perched on the side of the cliff at the height of 900 meters above the Paro Valley.
- Visit Kyichu Lhakhang, built in 7th century, is one of the two old stand most sacred shrines in Bhutan.
- Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
- After breakfast, free till transfer to Airport for your flight to Singapore, we hope you have enjoyed this wonderful Trip with CTC Travel!
- Breakfast
- 集樟宜国际机场搭乘国际航班,经加尔各答(或古瓦哈提)前往全球幸福指数最高的国家,雷龙之国 - 不丹王国。抵达不丹唯一的国际机场帕罗。驱车前往不丹首都—廷布。
- 参观国家纪念碑,这是按现代不丹之父,三世国王晋美·多吉·旺楚克陛下的构想而建的标志性建筑,意在祈祷世界和平和繁荣。
- 国家邮政总局,不丹邮票在设计和材质的多样性一直在世界居于领先地位,并多次在世界邮展上获奖。定制一张个人头像邮票,购买 CD 邮票及 3D 邮票都会是有意思的经历。
- 晚餐
- 前往佛祖望,山顶建有据说是中国佛教徒布施的巨大的释迦牟尼座像,不丹最大的一尊佛像。在这里俯瞰廷布和廷布河谷全景,
- 塔金小动物园,观看不丹的国兽—塔金,这种羊头牛身的动物是当今世界公认的珍稀动物,亦称为四不像,学名叫羚牛。
- “扎西却宗”,建于十三世纪,这里是国家行政及宗教中心,政教合一的双重体制下现任国王主政场所以及内政部门所在地。不丹建筑色彩分明,在湛蓝的天空衬托下,分外雄伟壮观。幸运的话,还可以看到不丹特有的降旗仪式。如时间允许还可前往“不丹国家绘画艺术学院” (不丹学校假期期间不开放) ,认识和了解不丹的文化和生活传统。
- 早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
- 驱车前往不丹旧都普纳卡。在 3140 米的多雄拉山口稍事休息,眺望和观赏整个东喜马拉雅山脉巍峨壮丽、气势磅礴、蜿蜒千里的壮观景色,在这片梦境般神秘美丽的土地上远离尘嚣,感受彻底的心灵涤荡。这里的“108 座佛塔”被称之为楚克旺耶纪念碑,建于 2005 年,为了祈祷世界和平和纪念剿灭不丹南部阿萨姆反政府武装中丧生的人。
- 途中参观不丹癫狂僧人朱卡库拉的送子神庙切米拉康,朱卡库拉是不丹人广泛尊崇的圣人,他也被认为是性和生育力的象征,没有孩子的夫妻大多都会去他的寺庙祈祷,据说无子女的妇女来此朝拜后便可怀孕。
- 普那卡- 不丹王室的冬都。参观坐落在不丹父亲河和母亲河交汇处的普纳卡宗, 不丹的第二座城堡,直到 1950 年,这里仍然是国家行政及宗教中心所在地,是不丹统治者居住和举行重大政治和宗教仪式的重要场所。普纳卡宗是被公认的全不丹最美丽的宗堡,特别是在春季,环绕宗堡蓝紫色的蓝花楹盛开的时候,整个河畔鲜花烂漫,风光格外旖旎动人。
- 早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
- 普那卡驱车翻越黑山山脉的拉瓦拉山口(Lawala Pass),进入富毕卡谷地Phobjikha Valley(又称岗提谷地)。这里是遍布高山草甸和杜鹃林的生物多样性地带,可以登上山脊,静静体会富毕卡谷地清净优雅沁人心脾的美。这里也是西藏黑颈鹤每年越冬的山谷, 11月-2月初来到富毕卡谷地,便可观赏到这种美丽鸟儿优雅的风姿和婉约的悲鸣。即便是在观赏不到黑颈鹤的季节来到富毕卡,你仍然会被这里深深吸引。
- 古老的岗提寺(Gangtey Goemba)俯瞰富毕卡谷地,这里唯一的宁玛巴红教道场,创建者是伏藏师白玛·宁巴,他的传奇故事在不丹中部一带广泛流传。寺院建筑古老宏伟,喇嘛戒律森严,极力避免和外界世俗之物接触。
- 早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
- 返回帕罗。
- 游览帕罗宗-日蓬堡,意为“一堆珍宝上的城堡”,它也是不丹建筑最杰出的代表。用作瞭望塔的塔宗,墙身有两米半之厚,圆形外观据说是佛教吉祥法器海螺的形状。现已建成为不丹的国家博物馆,珍藏有琳琅满目的不丹文物,呈现了不丹历史自然、宗教文化和经济生活的各个方面。
- 杜克耶堡,1649年为纪念不丹打败蒙藏联军而建。这里曾经是前沿指挥部,一场大火使军事要塞的宗堡只剩断壁残垣,在夕阳映衬下显得分外震撼和美丽壮观。如果天气情况好,这里还是观看不丹第二高峰珠穆拉里雪峰的最佳地点。
- 早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
- 虎穴寺,建于 16 世纪,作为国家象征全不丹顶礼膜拜。虎穴寺地势险要,位于帕罗峡谷 900 米高的悬崖峭壁上,景色雄伟壮观。现今的虎穴寺是不丹最神圣的佛教寺庙,同时被誉为世界十大著名超级寺庙之一。从山脚下循着小路徒步穿过密林,在半山腰的简易休息站休整后历时约 3 小时方可到达建于悬崖边的寺院。届时可依身体状况骑马或者徒步攀登,即使下山也需要约 2 小时路程。虽然有幸踏入这座悬空的神秘佛殿,但摄影摄像设备和背包都得寄放在寺庙之外。
- 返回帕罗后驱车前往古老的吉曲寺,藏王松赞干布修建的不丹最老的寺庙。
- 早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
- 依时送往帕罗机场告别喜马拉雅山国不丹,搭乘豪华客机经加尔各答(或古瓦哈提)返回美丽家园新加坡。结束愉快旅行。
- 早餐
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Tom Sawyer
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
ReplyJohn Doe
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
ReplyJaan Smith
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
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